1.You contact me,we meet and the intention is to enrol your child with Panacea Education.There is an enrolment fee of £25 which is refundable at the end of the agreed tuition programme. 2.The requirements of the child are assessed and we ascertain where the tuition is to take place.Travel expenses are negotiated at this stage where applicable. 3.The tuition takes place and payment is made then, or on invoice at the end of the month,as agreed. 4.Illness and holidays-a minimum of 24hrs notice is expected where possible,except in unforeseeable circumstances such as sickness. Advance notice of holidays is required. Last minute cancellation will be charged. 5.At least a months's notice is expected if the tuition programme is to be cut short. 6.Data Protection-you agree that I may hold,use and communicate confidential information relating to your child and insofar as it is relevant to your child's education and welfare. 7.If your child is solely in my care you acknowledge my authority in loco-parentis. 8.Any medical conditions/allergies are made known to me and the appropriate precautions made clear or provided. 9.These terms and conditions apply whether to individual private clients,schools or carehomes.