I realise that I have been involved in education since I started school at the age of five! Admittedly that was as a pupil and my experience was dreadful. I hated every minute and would escape and run home. In hindsight that was a good thing. My future lay in teaching and I was determined to make a difference to learning. After thirty five years of teaching, in 2006, I started Panacea Education a most therapeutic way of helping children to fulfil their potential. This continues with the help of The Dog Detective Agency resources for families. Investigate the DDA dropdown menu on the toolbar to find out more.My belief has always been that unless a child is happy,however talented he or she might be,learning will not come easily whereas a happy child will absorb information and flourish. Based in relaxed surroundings,away from the demands and pressures of the classroom, I find that even the most reluctant reader or the most disadvantaged learner finds success and motivation when working within a tranquil,natural setting.Through an incidental curriculum reading and writing skills can be learned and social and emotional stresses alleviated.Close to nature a child also learns how to nurture and is also guaranteed one to one care and attention.