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ENROLMENT IS SIMPLE-so follow the gang ,,,,

Enrolment is free there are no ties! This is just a way of formalising a plan to meet the needs of your child or for you, if you are an adult.If you feel that you or your child would benefit from any of the educational support that can be obtained from Panacea Education then all you need to do is contact me by email. A meeting will be arranged at which your needs can be discussed.After consultation,if you feel that provision is suitable,you would be enrolled and registered with me and have access to tuition,workshops,support and guidance for as long as these are required. Also from the toolbar dropdown menu of DDA you can access stories and activities which are free for the first four. A £10 contribution is required for the further stories and videos. These stories of the Dog Detective Agency can be printed out-they are black and white and really collate into an activity book. I do have copies should you like one!,,,,,

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