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Newsletter 5-Summer Holidays

Further work is happening in the workshop through the summer holidays.The finishing off is slow and laborious

The electric cabling is being tidied by Mark2 who is taking on the finishing work for Mark1 and he is also doing the trim around the doors and windows-really fiddly work.Outside the vegetables and fruit are flourishing it has been ideal weather for growth.

Doreen,Doris and Dorcas are laying well and so is Blanche the duck.She comes in at night now for a bit of a rest from the drakes.New girls in Duckland are Floradora,Daisy and Belle-they are mainly in the run and come out in the afternoons.Sadly Sybil died.

It is splendid to see some grapes actually on the vine.With a bit more sunshine they should plump out quite a bit more. Lewis has been coming here through the holiday and he has made some lovely jam from the cherry plum tree.He also made popcorn and a blackberry and apple crumble to take home to mum.

Needless to say Barkis is busy supervising all that goes on.He is very pleased that there are people coming and going each day and of course is delighted that Lewis is around and soon Christina,Lena and Rosalind will be visiting.Christina likes chatting to the chooks best of all! See you all soon.

Dated: 2011-07-16 and Updated: 0000-00-00

Panacea Education


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