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Panacea Newsletter 3

One week to go and then it will be halfterm-where does the time go?

Guess who is leaning over the back of Panacea armed with a fishing net!

So you guessed-it was Jacob, with Barkis close by to help. It's amazing how quickly the reeds and rushes grow at this time of year and they harbour many insects and wildlife in general.The dragonfly larvae emerge from the water and shed their skins on the sides of the boats.We have to mop down the boats each day and the skins get caught on the spider webs and it all feels messy when they are like that.The dragonflies are beautiful to watch and they coincide with the arrival of swallows and swifts which enjoy feasting on insects whilst in flight.We also get the mayflies dancing up and down in the early evenings-they are not favourites of mine!

At this time of year there are a lot of young creatures hatching out or being born.So far the waterfowl have produced ducklings,Egyptian goslings,cygnets and young coots.I am not sure what a baby coot is called-cootlet maybe?! These youngsters had a rest on our chain which helps to stabilise Panacea against the flow of the river and push of the wind.

Barkis rules OK

Dated: 2011-04-20 and Updated: 0000-00-00

Panacea Education


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