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Panacea Newsletter 2

Dear Subscriber

The swedish design rowing boat has had some TLC and was put into the water so that the wood would expand and tighten up.For this to happen it needed to sink which it did quite readily! It was brought out again,put back with weights inside for another dunking.It looks as though it needs some more attention as it leaks too much for safety.Jacob helped with cleaning and manoeuvring it into the water.Well done Jake!

Next stage will be to seal the leaking cracks and then Mike will be the one to test it out.Standby with the camera,Reece! Now what else has been going on? Robbie has finished making his cablecar which was a great success.

Lewis has missed sessions because of Bank Holidays and then chickenpox but he came back and got on well with progressing his stick.He used the electric chisel to shape it and worked really sensibly on it.

So we have been very busy one way and another and also lovely Rosalind and Lena have been doing SATs and have worked hard on their maths in preparation for it.Well done girls! Lindsay Nash

Dated: 2011-01-05 and Updated: 0000-00-00

Panacea Education


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