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New One

Many months have passed since writing a newsletter. Perhaps the most significant reason was that we said goodbye to Barkis.

Barkis was much loved by all who met him on their visits to Panacea on the river. He was a good therapy dog and enjoyed being totally involved with everyone in every way. Good natured, friendly and such good company he gave so much to so many. We were bereft. However, Barkis had done such a good job on promoting the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier we soon decided to acquire another of the breed. Thus Barnaby was collected from Leeds and joined the family like an avalanche. Our pace had slowed with ageing Barkis and now we had to speed up our reactions to a young puppy. His purchase was financed by the sale of my domain name of the Panacea Group although I retained Panacea -Education.

So the last two years have been full on with training this young pup and establishing a relationship with him. Now at the age of two and a half we have an understanding with each other and are able to enjoy good walks and great fun. Recently we have walked to raise money for Dementia UK which has been a tremendously motivating challenge.

Meanwhile apart from walking there is action in the form of story writing, by me, and creativity in the workshop. Adults and children are coming to apply themselves to whatever takes their fancy.

All you need to do if you feel like joining us, is to contact me and we will arrange something -whether for adult creativity or developing children's skills, anything goes! Lindsay Nash May 2024

Dated: 2024-05-18 and Updated: 2024-05-28

Panacea Education


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Panacea Education
