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Panacea Newsletter 11

Where does the time go? The summer term has ended and the Olympics have started!

Well the second hatching of ducklings produced two healthy ones who are now 6 weeks old and growing fast.They have gone through the yellow fluffy stage, the white fluffy stage and are now starting to sprout proper white wing feathers. I am still not sure whether we have a male and female or two females. I hope the latter as that saves conflict between the two other drakes Gervaise and Donald. Having bought a different feed I am even more convinced of the toxicity of the first brand.

James arrived one afternoon just in time to see the Royal Barge Gloriana pass by.It had been visiting some of the marinas on the Thames to thank the people involved with the Diamond Jubillee Pageant. it was then going back to London ready for the Olympic torch bearing.

Paddy came out on Hendrina and steered her really well.He also enjoyed going up on the bow rather like Titanic but not with the same ending! As we journeyed past the other holdings we saw that one of the houseboats was in trouble.The buoyancy chambers had filled with water and it had started to sink.

We have new things planned for the Autumn term. I am currently resourcing all the things that we need and hope that they will prove popular. No clues here just wait and see what we get up to! Rosalind has returned to do a bit of maths during the holiday.Sam and Bradley have also come here to make and do a few small projects. Christina is working hard in preparation for her entrance exams in November-is it really nearly five years that we have worked together Christina?! James will continue through the holiday so that he keeps the momentum going for his GCSE English and Maths. So....all is well. I just hope that everyone is able to enjoy the Olympics and the sunshine! See you in September. Lindsay and you know who.....

Dated: 2011-07-16 and Updated: 0000-00-00

Panacea Education


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