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Panacea Newsletter 16

Well we have had a busy time one way and another. The feathered friends have had some changes as we now have four chickens, two Belgian bantams and three quail. We tried unsuccessfully to incubate quail eggs and on the last attempt found that the eggs were not fertile. Although we had one solitary chap who hatched out he died within three days and eighteen other eggs failed. It is the first time that we have had failure and so currently, at the end of the summer holiday, we have brought in a dozen quail eggs from outside sources and also have half a dozen Barbu d'uccle eggs (Belgian bantams) in another incubator. If they all hatch we will be overflowing but we shall see what happens. Millie and Fleur the two bantams are hilariously quaint and latterly have been joined by Biba and Dukie and two Pekin bantams Picnic and Flossy.

The boys have been very involved with various activities and projects during the second half of the year. We have been fortunate in being given some radio controlled boats and planes. The staff in the model shop in Addlestone have been very helpful in sorting us out and advising us. We now have chargers and transmitters for them all and now have been given software which enables us to use the plane transmitter to control and fly a model plane on the laptop. It means that the boys can achieve the skills of flying such a plane without the disappointment of crashing it! Meanwhile the real plane needs work done to it in order to get it in flying condition. Callum has his eye on that job! Ben L has been very hands on around the plot helping with the animals and completing various projects. He made a really imaginative mothers day card out of silk and wood and painted a giraffe onto the silk as his mum likes giraffes. He is a very creative chap.

At the end of the summer term Callum and Ben came with me on separate occasions to visit Brooklands museum. Callum's interest and knowledge on all historic vehicles was really heightened by the visit and he was brave enough to drive Lewis Hamilton's Formula 1 car on a simulator reaching 235 miles per hour without crashing! Ben decided he wanted to do the Concorde experience and enjoyed that except for some young active children who slightly spoiled it with their noise. They were really too young for the experience.

Having had the massive flooding in the early spring we have had the most fantastic summer with the garden bursting with foliage and fruit. Out walking Barkis we have picked blackberries but this year is has been too hot to think about making jam with them! Maybe plum jam will happen with the cooler weather. We are most fortunate to be right on top of nature with all its challenges and wonder as we get close to September what kind of winter we will have. I think we would prefer some snow and ice this year instead of rain, but not too much snow as that melts! Barkis and I look forward to seeing the boys next term. Lindsay@Panacea

Dated: 2011-08-08 and Updated: 0000-00-00

Panacea Education


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